Saturday, September 29, 2007


Back to tags ; Why ? because three events had happened that made me to write about tags , the first one was the Tag exibition frm Today's art festival In Den Haag exibition that was focused on the work of C.E.B Reas from Los Angeles California where he is proffesor at the university of California at the design and media arts departament . his work revolves around defining processes and translating them into images .
The seccond Tag event is the one related to the Picnic )7 conference that was held in Amsterdam this week and had a strong discussion and events related to tagging . The conference brought together a series of interaction designers and hakers that played with a tagged group of people connecting theyr tags to thery social networking sites or just linking the 2000 tagged participants together with the help of a social network site . I find this quite interesting because a tagged person basicaly doulbes itseflf by beeing tagged , what i mean si tahat with the help of the tag an the social network that is connected to it you develop an onnline presence so you basicali statr having a virtual counterpart that is linked to everyone from the coference trough a digital network . Interesting concept for a conference and interesting way in witch you can hiperlink people and make a new tipe of social connecxion .
The third even that made think about tags is the fact that I had been tagged by a friend my blog was tagged and in this way conected to a network of outher tagged people .
Comunication is reaching a new level of interconectivity betveen people it becomes more and more important to have a virtual presence and an onnline avatar conected to the daily activity . An interesting thing related to onnline presence and virtual reality is what the ING financial group started doeing in the game Second Live that is a verry popular virtual comunity , They started building in second life and developing and onnline presence startin fron a virtual holland concept more about this here

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