Monday, January 21, 2008


Architecture can be seen as a composition of elements ; some real and related to the physical world and subjected to the laws of physics , some theoretical that are derivate from the theoretical side of the architectural practice and other elements come from the boundaries of imagination . The last ones that are connected and are subjected to the realm of the imaginary can be see as notions of originality and in many cases can rise from the architectural process , from the way architects see a project or from the way an architect can interpret or generate a project . In a project that has to deal with multiple layers and stages of formation and in some cases information the imaginary elements can come out as conclusion or they can arise from a searching process . this process of searching can be seen as an analysis upon a specific case that has to be solved in the timeline of the project. the search can be seen as a research or as part of the architect's statement .
Many techniques of producing architecture can release the imagination and establish new boundaries in the way architecture is seen and perceived by the users but the elements that are part of this realm can become hard to put in practice because of outer stages of the process . the imaginary is strongly related to the theoretical part of the architectural practice because theoretical systems can be seen as fundament or point of departure for what can the imaginative produce .
Sometimes the imaginative side of the architectural outcome can be subjected to external factors as the specific desires of the client who is bombarded with all sorts of contemporary architectural images and starts to think in a comparison way and his imagination is stimulated by these images that are presented in one form or the outer . Trough the element of imagination architecture can aspire and explore new boundaries that that relate form , function , texture and what the process can be or mutate into because of the different necessity that clients have .
Imagination is divided into different parts as well because of the way the craft functions ; it is an element omnipresent in the process of building because of the constraints that are subjecting the practice . In this way there is place on every level for a creative approach and imaginative elements implementation .
Elements related to imagination and how they are materialized in some cases can become source of debate in many cases ,
starting from how the critics see them to how they function in real examples .

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