One week in germany ... quite intense with a lot of places to see and to connect to . The trip to Germany was part of an workshop related to colors and what can colors mean as part of a context . With this occasion we went sightseeing . The places that where part of the excursion where connected mainly to architecture . It was an impressive moments and moments to go and see the Bauhaus school in Dessau and the houses that where build for artists by Walter Gropius. Walking around these places can take the visitor back in time and give one an idea about the atmosphere that was present in that places . The atmosphere is usually generated by people and by the events that are happening and in the case of these spaces things are quite different . The houses and the school, of Bauhaus can be strongly related to the beginnings of the modernist periods in Europe . The entire building is designed to accommodate in a simple and comfortable way the working and teaching spaces of the school . The building is divided in multiple areas and the building is a continuum bringing all the elements of the space together and making the interconnections needed with the help of elegant and integrated details. It is obvious that the building was designed by one mind and that things are controlled and directed in a certain way and with a certain style . Looking with different eyes to the whole space things can be redrawn and interrelated one with each other . The building is not only an architectural object but has also a sublime and discrete color palette that accentuates different angles , corners , walls and different elements that are part of the inside composition . The relation between the inside and the outside is quite clear making things to be transparent so the transition between the outside space and the inside is minimal . The houses that where build by Gropius where also designed in a modernist stile that could translate the aspirations of the time into an architectural object that hosted the functions of an atelier for an artist like Kandinski or Paul Clee ( both teachers at Bauhaus ) and the day to day functions that are part of any house ., living area , dormitory and private spaces . The houses are constructed from the smallest detail to the general plan , even the furniture in the house was designed to fit with the entire concept of the house . The next visit that we took was at the center of environment and building based in Dessau that has a strong interior space that divides the entire volume of the building in two strips that contain the functions that generate the interior space of the building . The inside space is divided by interior bridges that connect the two main strips of the building on different levels . This area also serves as a place for an interior garden and space for relaxation for the people that accommodate the building . The roof of the building was covered with solar panels making in this way the function of the building to be more obvious and environmental friendly .
Another place that was interesting as a combination of old and new architecture was the city of Leipzig . A city that is pretty big and has a lot to offer to a visitor and to the person that walks around as a turist , big spaces and interesting buildings all around the cityscape . One of the main attractions is the museum of modern art that is an impressive structure with a strong and monumental interior space . The building is designed as an volume that is covered with an double exterior skin that works both as facade and as a surface that directs the light in the space .
The museum has multiple levels and the collections that are hosted inside are quite diverse and amazing as time spam . From the classic figurative periods to the modern and postmodern times the museum has a lot to offer for a visitor and can make one stay for a lot of time in the minimalist spaces of the building .
Back to the landscape of the city Leipzig is a blend between different types of architecture from all periods , with highrise buildings that define the modern feeling of the city and buildings that are part of the former industrial age .
The old city offers the area of entertainment and makes things more connected to what a city should be , because of city without history cannot work on a mental level for the inhabitants .
The next stop was in Berlin a city that speaks for itself trough it's architecture and history . The city has large and spread neighborhoods with interesting features , also a strong infrastructure and places where to hand out and walk around and see interesting old and new architecture . The main squares of the city are filled with new architecture that has a high density and a strong diversity both as relation between the names that that generate it and the main buildings that can be looked at as architectural master pieces .
The night life of the city is also diverse and the places where one can hang out are interesting and can offer a lot as spaces and as music and people . Berlin can be an adventure and a continuous and adventure space that can give an insight on the way things where and will be .
The city has a strong community feeling and people are related and have a social interconnection that can be seen everywhere .
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