Thursday, August 2, 2007


Some while ago I participated at a small presentation about the Identity of the Europeean Union held by Reinier de Graaf one of the partners in charge of the Office of the Metropolitan Architecture and the head of the AMO the think tank and the mirror image of OMA ,a company that works beyond the realm of architecture and urbanism . The presentation was about the comission that AMO got from the Europeean union in the matter of finding a new identity (image ) for the EU , So the AMO studio that works in the cultural analysis field studied together with academics and scholars the problem of the Identity and they came up with a flag that was quite controversial in the press.
I thought that the presentation was quite good and that Reinier de Graaf is a interesting person , In the same time I think that the AMO studio Is an important conceptual barch that has some fascinating activities that are cultural analysis , politics , advertising and media started produceing work that is not related to architecture but it has a feel that is connected to an architectural notion of things . For this you can check out the ad that was made for the Prada parfums Thundermind and identiti work for the Europeean Union .

1 comment:

Anda said...

care e legatura dintre AMO si Ridley Scott? ef fain commercial pt thunder perfect mind